Saturday 11 May 2013

The life force

I have been reading a book entitled ‘In Resonance with Nature’. In the first few chapters it is describing the energy fields of pants and trees. Up until Easter, I would have read this book and written it off as a load of naturalistic babble, written by an outright base tea drinking, tree hugger. That is how cynical I was, now however it is a different story. I have felt the power of the elementals from the place where water, air and land join, in the parks where grand Oaks stand. I have felt it in good places that lift the spirit and dark places that drain the spirit. There are defiantly forces out there, all around us, in nature where things are alive.

In the book it describes how to read the health of a stand of trees or a forest, by the strength of the field the trees give off. If the stand is healthy the field from each tree extends and overlaps with adjoining trees which forms a combined force, if the trees are not healthy then the fields’ contract and they lose their combined strength which allows disease or competitive life to intrude. When the force is strong the trees form a barrier to unwanted life.

During the week, instead of going to a business group meeting, I took a walk through Albert Park in the CBD. Walking around the park, I walked up to each tree and stood with my back to it. Some trees were indifferent, some were not. The Pohutukawa, a native of New Zealand, is, I think, a nurturing tree, kind and loving and has a soft warm field. The Oaks however, every single one, draw me in and held me in a warm embrace, which I can only describe as faint without the nauseas feeling.

Today I walked through the Auckland Domain, or a portion of it, with my loved one, first a stand of Pohutukawa, then a stand of Burch, and then a large stand of Oak trees. Standing in the middle of the Oaks, some 30feet from any one tree, we could still feel the strong embrace.

According to the book and my rather knowledgeable friend, all life has force, and Oak for instance have a single energy force they use to communicate and learn from, a collective life force, If you like. Of this I now have no doubt, natural places and trees and all life have a life force. Animals too, have a life force, Humans being no exception.

Places have memory and collect energy. A good place feels good, plat life thrives, and people feel good and leave a ‘good feeling’ trace behind. Dark places are the opposite, and generally plants don’t thrive there either.

I saw that this weekend, being in three different places in one day. The first house is filled with love and light, consciously created and nurtured for the health and wellness of its occupants, the second place was a historic place where no one lives, however there are visitors every day, the house felt good but empty. Then the third place, where there has been recent tension and a teenager playing war games on Xbox in the lounge, this place was horrid to visit in contrast, and I could not wait to get out of it.

This part is simply extraordinary, before we left, we cleansed the house with light to restore its good feeling, and you might think this hocus-pocus. Today I return to this house and it feels much better, it is where I live, so I also filled it with the love and positive energy collected in the Domain from the Oak trees. Now it feels good and clear.

It seems I have either become a base tea drinking, tree hugger, or it is fact and real. I have seen and felt first hand, demonstrated in physical form, that every living thing is subject to a life force, and that places have memory, and that we can leave behind either good thoughts (light) or bad thoughts like disregard or anger (darkness).

All life is interconnected and dependant on the environment, both seen and unseen, for its own health and well being. This comes back to a balance. Live will always find balance, the question is; is it a good balance? Can we continue with this mindless existence, we are only just becoming aware of polluting the atmosphere with toxic byproducts, but what of our own human collective conscious, can we continue this madness, mindless existence of greed and ignorance, destroying and consuming the very planet that supports us, polluting the collective consciousness with greed, anger, self interest. What if our life force is becoming weaker, what if it is already sick. What if it is too late to save? This is too much for me to ignore or to blindly walk away from.

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