Saturday, 22 December 2012


Well this blog will contain my views on love, life, and computer programming, why such a combination you may ask, well I am a computer systems analyst, designer, and code junky and also experience life and love with passion.  

Within the scope of my work which involves turning business requirements into a computer system, I find that my experience in life and love are interwoven. If life, my soul, and love, my heart, are out of balance then the system I produce is also out of balance.

So to conceive the best system that I can requires a clear head, a calm soul and a warm heart, then and only then do the creative juices flow and work to unfold, evaluate, elaborate, and design a system.

The world of a systems analyst, designer and coder requires a clear and rational thought. Clear of internal chatter and distraction. System design is a process starting with a need, then a concept, then a design, then construction. It follows much the same path as many other industries do, the difference is that it is also a creative art that allows and indeed requires the architect or designer to be creative.

In my view any creative endeavour requires a degree of emotional connection and professional pride in the outcome. This is certainly the case in system designing and code writing, as evident when an end user finally starts to use the system and their reaction to it, regardless of the type of reaction, to see them interact professionally and personally with a creation that I have played a part in, is a wonderful thing.

I have, for a very long time been passionate about my work; I do indeed pour my heart and soul into my work. I cannot do what I do dispassionately nor can I achieve the best result with a clinical attitude alone. So to do my work requires my heart, my soul, a logical mind, and rational thought, and a clinical understanding of the problem and the passion to find a solution.

Well that is me take on it, as you may have gathered, I am a passionate man, though it comes at a personal price. With passion and love also comes the deep impact of all that life and love can throw my way, and at times my capacity to work rationally is reduced.

I recently have been reaquainted with some old friends that I have sadly neglected over the years. I refer of course to: Beethoven, Mozart, Bruch, and Mendelssohn to name but a few. These are some of the most passionate men in history who created some of the most beautiful music ever. There is no grater gift than to create something that lifts others.

In future posts, I will talk more about Life, Love, computer programming and music. I’m no guru just one person who has decided to document my journey through life.

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